Wednesday, February 17, 2010

South Park Quotes Fishstick What Is One Of Your Favorite South Park Quotes?

What is one of your favorite South Park quotes? - south park quotes fishstick

Delivery Man: Sign and hyaluronic HYA .... .... .... and HYA!


Panic Procul Pervideo said...

I love the game of dice that someone in the urinal. And Councilor bells and speaking. It's like

Mr. Mackey: It is Mr. Venezuela, janitor of the school, MacKay. He is the person who is clean bad if a few drops per Trickster Dook in the bathroom. Mr. Venezuela for six dollars an hour, M'kay. He has three children at home, with a car that barely works, it's too clean puke with sawdust, MacKay. Then she walks into kindergarten, and recognizes the great Chud meat face. So when you crapped in that urinal, MacKay, but one must also fall in the pants, and a right of Mr turd head of Venezuela.


I love the "Mac Kay"What we love, every sentence? Haha! So funny!

Daniel M. said...

There are so many!
"Tom Cruise in the closet!
"I was Tom Cruise and Travolta are in the closet. I began to rage and took my gun!" AHH! "
Randy "Did you see the ghost had tons of ectoplasm! Wooo!

Spanner said...

"They will cut the burrito in half and on a pig, even if it hurts you in a few cock-template"

It was outside of the film.

Katiebug said...

If I do not like South Park, I would say that if I people I say turn the channel

FACE said...

more than a consequence of the absence of Mickey Mouse in the shit Jonas Brothers

Dear Lisa, Count Me In said...

Cartman: Ok, I feel lickin hours '3 carpet together, not as a lesbian.

xaenith2... said...

Chef: "Your children should not be here to be crucified in this heat!

kelli. said...

The joke fish sticks.

HAHA said...

Cartman You Fat @ SS "

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